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International Client Data Analyst (M/F)

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Contenu de l'offre International Client Data Analyst (M/F) chez Van Cleef & Arpels

Reference Code: 69840

International Client Data Analyst (M/F)

Paris, 75, FR Permanent


A High Jewelry Maison with a strong heritage who promotes exceptional know-how in an enchanting and creative environment!
Our Maison is looking for talented individuals who contribute to developing and transmitting their expertise with care and no compromise.
At Van Cleef & Arpels you will be surrounded by passionate experts and will contribute to many new projects which allows our Maison to regularly reinvent itself.


Do you have a minimum of two years’ experience in data?

Are you proficient in MS Office?

Do you have a strong experience using SQL?

Do you have a strong knowledge of Cloud storage (GCP) environment and basic Python experience?

Do you have excellent organization, communication and collaboration skills?

Do you speak English fluently?


Within the Client & Data Insights department, you will be in charge of turning all types of Client Data into insights. You will answer to business needs from different teams (Ecommerce, CRM, Digital, Marketing, Media…) thanks to data with a special focus on analytics needs coming from Markets and Regions.

You will integrate new client data and KPIs in the datalake and ensure its consistency and integration across all Client data ecosystem.

You will perform business analyses on Google Cloud Platform using SQL queries. You will build and maintain dashboards on Looker that help monitoring the performance of the Maison in terms of CRM, Clienteling and Client Data. You will present these different analyses and dashboards to the different stakeholders.

You will be the referent for the Maison in Cloud technologies, API connection, ETL, Advertising tool…

You will help to onboard internal stakeholders on Data Analysis topics and provide them necessary support if required.

You will proactively recommend new opportunities that would generate business added value for the Maison.


If you are interested in joining the influential growth of the Maison with care, no compromise, and the drive to succeed then do not hesitate to enter the creative universe of Van Cleef & Arpels. By joining the Maison, you will be part of a nurturing team focused on delivering excellence and development.


Apply online.

If your profile matches our search, you will be contacted by our HR team for an interview. Otherwise, you will receive an email to inform you that your application has not been successful.

You will meet with the Insight & Data Project Manager and then the Client Insight Manager.


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International Client Data Analyst (M/F)
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