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Webmaster - Expert SEO ! Rejoignez un leader industriel

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Contenu de l'offre Webmaster - Expert SEO ! Rejoignez un leader industriel chez Velux


Do you have analytical flair and great communication skills ?
Do you have a genuine interest in digital solutions and are you experienced working with SEO ?
Are you driven by exploring new ideas, bringing them to life and making real impact ?
Then we might be looking for you !


Joining our CXU department, you will be part of the VELUX Southern Europe team in a dedicated department responsible for the End-to-End customer experiences. You will be responsible for the regional web property implementing content assets and developing SEO strategies.

Your primary tasks will be to:
Maintain and test aesthetic, functional and user-friendly websites.Coordinate with designers, agencies, content providers and management.Monitor and analyze site performanceConduct keyword research to guide content teams.Review technical SEO issues and recommend fixes.Optimize website content and landing pages.Collect data and report on traffic, rankings and other SEO aspects.Work with social media and PPC teams to optimize campaigns.
You will be based at Morangis and be a part of a global organisation. You can expect to travel approximately 30 days annually – both nationally and internationally.


With your analytical mindset and great project management skills, you enjoy working with data. You are a great communicator, and you have broad knowledge of working with SEO. You thrive in an international environment and know how to act local and think global.

Moreover, we expect that you:
BSc/BA in Marketing, Business or equivalent experience.Have previous work experience in developing websites and web tools.Have previous work experience as SEO Manager or a similar role for 5 years min. Have knowledge of standard and current SEO practices as well as knowledge of HTML/CSS.Have familiarity with the foundations of web development and networkingHave familiarity with relevant tools and web analytic tools (e.g. Google Analytics).Speak English fluently.Basic knowledge of Spanish and/or Italian is a plus.
Multilingual profiles and international experience are highly valued.


You will work alongside experienced and passionate colleagues – in a setting where knowledge is shared, and responsibility is given to those who can and will. Our team is characterized by an informal tone and respect for each other both as team players and as individuals.
We are a strong value based company where commitment, thoroughness and mutual respect are among the core values and teamwork and professionalism is essential to the way we work.
We will provide you with the opportunities, inspiration, and state-of-the-art tools to create a brighter, common future.

Cette offre est présentée par Uptoo, 1er cabinet de recrutement pour les commerciaux.

Référence: UPTN17778
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Webmaster - Expert SEO ! Rejoignez un leader industriel
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