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Customer Experience Data Analyst Intern

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Contenu de l'offre Customer Experience Data Analyst Intern chez Vestiaire Collective

At Vestiaire Collective, we are committed to delivering the best experience for our loyal community of buyers and sellers. We are growing our team and our business into a global brand and becoming the leaders in circularity in fashion. We want everyone we work with to be change-makers, to think differently, and to innovate without compromise.

Vestiaire Collective is looking for an Intern to join our Customer Experience team as Data Analyst for a period of 6 months.

About the role

Do you think that working in analytics is about much more than crunching numbers? Do you enjoy using data to find compelling insights and using your business skills to translate these insights into action? Join our team.

You will report directly to the Customer Experience Data and insight manager, focusing on delivering actionable insights to offer a world class customer experience.

What you'll do

You will play an active role in the Customer Experience team providing data and insights to the rest of the team You will assist the team on performance monitoring, ad-hoc requests and presentations to measure the impact of key projects and identify new ones

Who you are

Curriculum Currently doing a Bachelor or Master's degree in from top tier Business or Engineering school Previous experience You have already worked in data, operations or product positions in tech startups or consulting firms (strategy consulting, M&A, audit, digital marketing etc.) Soft skills You have a strong "get things done" mindset You have strong analytical skills: Pay attention to details & ensure data accuracy Give recommendations based on a structured reasoning You are a fast learner and integrate feedback quickly You are a team-player and enjoy learning from others Fluent in English (working language is English), French is a plus Hard skills Basic: Excel and Powerpoint Coding: SQL, Python (nice to have but not compulsory) Dashboarding tool: Tableau or any other tool (Power BI, Qlick view etc.)

What we offer

Have a concrete impact on climate change by changing how people buy fashion items An exciting internship in our Paris office where you will be able to express your creativity and potential The possibility to work with a dynamic and multidisciplinary team The opportunity to grow in a young global company Cool office with a great coffee

Next step

If you are ready to join our fast-paced company, apply below! Our team will review your application within the following 4 weeks. If your profile and experience fit our requirements, we will invite you for a first phone call.

About Vestiaire Collective

It all comes down to one important question: Why should so many great fashion items remain unworn in people's wardrobes?

Vestiaire Collective is a global platform that connects millions of buyers and sellers of desirable pre-loved fashion. We are global: our headquarters are in Paris and we have satellite offices in New York City, Tourcoing, Berlin and Hong Kong.

Vestiaire Collective is an equal opportunity employer. We strive to develop an inclusive work environment that reflects the diversity of our fashion activist community.

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Customer Experience Data Analyst Intern
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