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Paid Acquisition Manager (H/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Paid Acquisition Manager (H/F) chez Yousign - EN

Yousign is a leading European SaaS player in the e-signature space, mainly active in France, Germany, and Italy. Having anticipated the shift towards paperless long before any European competitors, Yousign helps thousands of sales, purchasing, HR, legal, IT teams to digitalise and automate their contract processes.

Yousign seeks to support SMBs of various sectors through its easy-to-use electronic signature application. It also features a powerful API that is easy to integrate and facilitates adoption by smaller companies. The e-signature company aims to expand its product further up the value chain into document automation, approval management, and additional workflows.

Founded in 2013 by Luc Pallavidino and Antoine Louiset, Yousign has more than 7000 customers, 1.5M+ monthly signers, 120+ employees, growing at a x2.5 rate YoY, making it the most performing e-signature scale-up in Europe.

After a successful seed round in 2019 with eFounders, one of the best SaaS seed investors in Europe, the company just closed a $35M Series A round, led by Lead Edge Capital, a tier-1 US based growth investment firm (Algolia, Blablacar, Asana, TransferWise, Toast, ...) to support its ambition of becoming the dominant European player in its category.

Job description

As Paid Acquisition Manager at Yousign, you'll be responsible for driving growth through paid marketing channels.

Your role will be key; you will strategize, implement, test, manage, and report for all paid campaigns across various channels, using data to drive decisions and achieve maximum return on investment. Inbound and Paid Marketing are the core growth levers for Yousign, and as our ambition grows, we are looking to keep on skyrocketing our lead generation results. You will be able to build on what already exists, optimize it, and then quickly launch initiatives to optimize and find new paid acquisition channels.

You will work closely with inbound and product marketing, design, sales, operations, and data to execute your mission and align our paid acquisition strategy with our business objectives.

The ideal candidate is very familiar with traffic management, growth marketing strategies and an expert in at least one paid acquisition channel.

Your learnings and successes can be quickly rolled out to our other target markets in Europe. You will be part of the performance marketing team, composed of 3 tech-savvy people, which will double in the coming months. If you love seeing results and are driven to make a big impact, this position is for you.

Your responsibilities

Plan and execute targeted campaigns across paid channels to drive new customer acquisition (particularly Google Ads, Bing, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube) Manage a clean account structure on all assets Build a robust testing and optimization framework to improve main KPIs regularly (CTR, CPL, CAC, ROAS, number of Leads, MQLs, signup, qualified demos booked, and new customers) Improve the tracking system and be super comfortable with data Use Yousign's ICP, industries and target buyer to build smart strategies and campaigns to engage multiple audience effectively Be aligned with the core marketing team to support the brand, amplify the Yousign story and promote product launches Share performance and insight across the business and leadership team to inform the broader acquisition strategy.

Preferred experience

3+ years of experience in a growth marketing, demand-gen, traffic management role with responsibility on the paid acquisition with a strong track record of achieving goals in a high performance environment Great communication and collaboration skills with the ability to clearly present an action plan, monitor it, and share regular reports Hands-on campaign management with expertise in at least one core channel (Search, Facebook or LinkedIn). Experience using leading marketing automation & tracking tools (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Segment, Hubspot, Salesforce) Project management skills with the capacity to score and prioritize initiatives Excellent French speaker and a good English speaker A SaaS company experience would be a plus

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Paid Acquisition Manager (H/F)
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