Offres d'emplois Web Marketing & e-business

Marketing Specialist / Growth Hacker

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Contenu de l'offre Marketing Specialist / Growth Hacker chez Zify

What we are looking for:
A hands-on marketing specialist who would collaborate with other departments to position and promote the product in all digital channels.

You are the responsible for the respective growth and marketing related projects

You are responsible for growing and maintaining the community on all social media channels

You prepare and deliver replicable marketing strategies, tactics and channels that address business pain points and convey product benefits to drive new customer acquisition - with an implement, test, and measure mindset

Generating reports for digital marketing campaigns using data based analytics tools and also presenting this data in an easy to understand format

Writing copy for all marketing collateral, including brochures, letters, emails and websites.

Close collaboration with our Agency for sourcing advertising opportunities and placing adverts in the press, radio or TV as appropriate to the product or service

Liaising with events coordinators to maximise visibility at conferences, receptions and exhibitions, including compiling product and literature lists to display or demonstrate

Monitoring competitor activity and generating leads for products and services.

What you’re awesome at:
At least 2 years of professional experience as a digital marketeer / growth hacker in a high growth environment

Deep SEO Knowledge – On-page/Off-page, keyword analysis

Experience with SEM and Adwords

A creative mind & a great story teller. Use imagination & original ideas to create a "WOW" factor.

Expert in creating original content that drive business and create more brand value and recall.

Designing tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.

Experience working with video editing tools such as Adobe Premiere, iMovie, Final Cut, etc.

Super organized (Emails, Calendars, Meetings, Notes, etc.)

Great team player, but also able to work on projects autonomously

Native fluency in French language & English language (mandatory). German language is a big big plus.

What we can offer:
A thilling & exciting learning opportunity with one of the fastest growing startup.

Full-Time Employement opportunity based on performance.

Be part of a small but amazing team. Come and meet us, and make up your mind!

Enjoy the perks of a Coworking Space (regular startup events, a great network, parties and occasional brunches)

Attend or participate in various events/conferences.

Lots of love & a chance to make history!
Cpf final 4

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Marketing Specialist / Growth Hacker
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