À propos

General Dynamics is a global aerospace and defense company. From Gulfstream business jets to submarines to wheeled combat vehicles to communications systems, people around the world depend on our products and services for their safety and security. Headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia, General Dynamics is led by Phebe Novakovic. The company employs thousands of people, with locations in 43 countries. At the heart of our company are our employees. We rely on their intimate knowledge of customer requirements and a unique blend of skill and innovation to develop and produce the best possible products and services. The driver that makes our company agile, and ensures our continued performance, is our culture of continuous improvement. This culture enforces a shared commitment to consistently look toward the future and to embrace change. It’s a priority at all levels of our company, with every employee engaged in finding new ways to do things faster, better and more cost-effectively, and push the boundaries of our potential.

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
General Dynamics Corporation is an American aerospace and defense multinational corporation formed by mergers and divestitures.
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

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