

Site web Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Rédiger un avis sur Hiventy Your preferred technical partner in #Cinema, #Television and #Entertainment industry ! Ex-Monal, RGB, Digimage, Mediadub & Sylicone. #Paris #Studio
À propos

Hiventy is the name of the fusion of Monal (ex CMC and LVT), RGB, Digimage, Mediadub, Sylicone and Captain Vidéo. Major player of the audiovisual technical services industry, in France and internationally, Hiventy provides high-end solutions in all field of audiovisual and cinema industry : post-production TV and Cinema, restoration of films, subtitling, dubbing, audiodescription, deliveries in all formats. More information : http://www.hiventy.com/ ?? Facebook : http://bit.ly/facebook_hiventy ?? Twitter : http://bit.ly/twitter_Hiventy ?? Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/hiventy.official/ ??? Localisation : France (Paris, Malakoff, Joinville-Le-Pont), Poland (Warsaw), Vietnam (Hô Chi Minh Ville)

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
Offres d'emploi déjà pourvues chez Hiventy
Solutions techniques innovantes pour la distribution audiovisuelle
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

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