À propos

For over 45 years the Lohr group has continually adapted to the specific needs of its customers and to automotive logistic evolutions. Strong innovation strategy and permanent dialog with clients have constantly improved carrying capacity, safety, user friendliness and flexibility all represented in their state of the art in our current ranges like Eurolohr, CHR, Multilohr and Maxilohr to mention only the best known. In addition the company Lohr Service has been set up in 1999 as a specific tool totally dedicated to customer assistance for the various group activities. Our job is to help all users of our products by technical support, spare parts supply, network workshop availability and in general terms propose practical solutions in order to optimise global life cost of our vehicles.

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
For over 45 years the Lohr group has continually adapted to the specific needs of its customers and to automotive logistic evolutions.
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

Détail sur l'entreprise

  • Localisation : 29 RUE DU 14 JUILLET, 67980 HANGENBIETEN
  • Activité : Entretien et réparation d'autres véhicules automobiles
  • Secteur : Consumer Discretionary
  • Nombre d'employés : 0 salarié (2016)
  • Chiffre d'affaire : $1M-$10M
  • Nature juridique : SA à conseil d'administration (s.a.i.)
  • Code APE : 4520B
  • Date information : 08/02/2018
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