À propos

Biowest SAS (Biowest) is the European leader in the collection and processing of animal sera and cell culture media, offering the widest range of sera and media available on the market. Biowest controls the production of the sera throughout the entire process, from collections around the world to final shipment of bottled serum from its warehouse. Biowest offers standard cell culture media as well as custom-made formulations for specific applications, using its outstanding knowledge of cell culture products. Biowest can also offer highest quality and premium service, ability to address special requirements and full traceability and security guaranteed by vertical integration. Founded in 1987, Biowest has since 2004 been a member of the Viking/Serascandia group, collectors of animal by-products in Latin America; thus becoming the first serum company vertically integrated from raw material to finished product.

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
Offres d'emploi déjà pourvues chez Biowest
Biowest is one of the leaders in the collection of animal sera, offering the widest range of sera and media for cell culture available on the market.
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

Détail sur l'entreprise

  • Ville : PLOUHINEC
  • Localisation : LE MAGOUER, 56680 PLOUHINEC
  • Activité : Autres intermédiaires du commerce en produits divers
  • Nombre d'employés : 3 à 5 salariés (2016)
  • Nature juridique : SARL unipersonnelle 
  • Code APE : 4619B
  • Date information : 12/12/2017
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