À propos

We are an international trading company, specialized and famous in the market of second hand textile machinery. We are specializing in spinning, weaving, finishing, dyeing, non woven and knitting machines for all types of fibers and yarn (wool, acrylic, cotton, flax, continious yarn, etc ...) of the most famous brands : Rieter, Trutzschler, Schlafhorst, Savio, Murata, NSC, Gaudino, HDB, Thibeau, Picanol, Dornier, Sulzer, Thies, Loris Bellini, Kusters, Krantz . Thanks to our business network, we travel all over the world in order to satisfy our customers needs with the garantee of textile machine in good conditions and 100% complete. More information on : www.cogliandro.com We are experts in industrial tranfer, installation and reconditioning of second hand textile machinery. Our goal is to accompany our customers in their industrial moving to stay operational as much as possible. Our know-how : • Mechanical and electrical marking • Dismantling • Handling • Transfer • Assembling • Starting-up More information on : www.transfert-cogliandro.com

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
Specialized in second-hand textile machines, Cogliandro can also do the reconditioning of your textile machine and the dismantling of your textile machine.
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

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