
Digital Source

Site web Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Rédiger un avis sur Digital Source Digital recruiters specialising in #DataScience, #BigData, #MachineLearning, #Development & #ArtificialIntelligence #AI. Connecting great minds from Amsterdam.
À propos

Digital Source is a specialist recruitment agency focused on servicing companies who require support in headhunting the best talent available in the digital sector. We recruit for freelance, contract and permanent vacancies, from graduate to senior level roles. Digital Source’s foundations were built alongside our partners from Payments & Cards Network Group to service the digital needs of our extensive client base. Our expertise in this area is second to none. We proudly boast dedicated consultants who have many years working with globally recognised organisations within the Digital sector. Our highly qualified consultants are specialists in providing digital candidates, mainly covering the spectrum of Data, Analytics, Engineering, Mobile, Development and Architecture. Through our in-depth understanding of the digital sector and the technologies used, we’re striving to develop relationships built on trust and transparency with our clients and candidates alike. We don’t want to supply you with one candidate or one opportunity. We’re ready for the long haul, consistently helping you to succeed. If you are looking for an agency recognized for excellence which has first hand experience in supplying digital experts and connecting you to cutting edge technology focused companies, look no further. There are few firms in the world who are better placed to help achieve your mission.

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
Offres d'emploi déjà pourvues chez Digital Source
Digital Source is a specialist recruitment company that connects tech savvy & data driven businesses to the most talented Data Science & Engineering Pros globally.
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

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