

Site web Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Rédiger un avis sur Eighty-Eight A creative communications agency specializing in digital, PR, and design. Say hi: hello@eightyeightagency.com
À propos

Eighty-Eight is a Toronto-based creative communications agency specializing in digital marketing, public relations, and design. We work with clients to start, grow, or enhance their marketing and PR efforts. We also specialize in branding, website design, and print design. We're a small, agile team that is passionate about technology, design, and pop culture. We know the digital marketing industry is constantly evolving, and we’re staying on top of it all from our office in downtown Toronto.

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
Eighty-Eight is a Toronto-based creative communications agency specializing in digital marketing, public relations, and design. We work with clients to start, grow, or enhance their marketing and PR efforts. We also specialize in branding, website desi...
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

Détail sur l'entreprise

  • Localisation : 51 Bulwer St #100, Toronto, ON M5T 1A1, Canada
  • Tech :
    wordpress godaddy_nameserver google_apps typekit_by_adobe google_analytics
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