

Site web Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Rédiger un avis sur HUMANOID HUMANOID is a typical International Dutch brand, independent, strong and unspoken-present, sold in 25 countries and over 500 stores. https://t.co/7xvxYbjUZa
À propos

HUMANOID is a typical International Dutch brand. It is grounded, self-assured and confidant in its history, niche market and aspirations. There is a sense of freedom and optimism in the way that is worked and how the company looks to the future. What started with a new wave gut feeling and fun punk attitude out of a small studio in the Arnhem ‘Weverstraat’ has steadily become an international fashion brand with hundreds of stockists worldwide and its own brand store in Arnhem and online shop www.shophumanoid.com.

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
Offres d'emploi déjà pourvues chez HUMANOID
HUMANOID (Arnhem 1981) is a complete and unique womenswear label with a cosmopolite, effortlessly and feminine style.
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

Détail sur l'entreprise

  • Localisation : Arnhem, Netherlands
  • Date de création : 1981
  • Activité : Activités de clubs de sports
  • Secteur : Consumer Staples
  • Nombre d'employés : 0 salarié (2004)
  • Nature juridique : Association déclarée 
  • Tech :
    bing_advertiser facebook_connect mandrill mailchimp double_click_advertiser nginx facebook_advertiser google_analytics
  • Code APE : 9312Z
  • Date information : 23/12/2003
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