

Site web Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Rédiger un avis sur OrNsoft Our mission is to deliver cost effective, quality-centric and stunning solutions to help our clients and partners generate customers and results.
À propos

Founded in February of 2006 and headquartered in Miami, Florida, OrNsoft™ made it a point to hire great people, continuously refine our project management processes, and invest in the ongoing development of technologies and expertise. In sunny Miami we have come to understand what life and business is like, and more specifically what works for a Miami business that might not work for the same business elsewhere. Our mission is to deliver cost effective, quality-centric and scalable web, design, software and Ecommerce solutions thus helping our clients and partners generate outstanding business results and ultimately the best return on their investment. OrNsoft provides professional IT services consisting of custom software development, Software integration, Cloud solutions, website design and development and It consulting for businesses worldwide. Our main focus is building long-term strategic partnerships with our clients. Give us a call today to have quick chat with one of our expert to see how we can help your business move forward.

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
Offres d'emploi déjà pourvues chez OrNsoft
OrNsoft provides custom software development, integration, website design, cloud integration, App development, IT consulting, of other IT services worldwide
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

Détail sur l'entreprise

  • Localisation : 19370 Collins Ave, Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160, USA
  • Date de création : 2006
  • Secteur : Information Technology
  • Chiffre d'affaire : $1M-$10M
  • Tech :
    stripe wordpress google_apps apache authorizenet go_squared
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