
Périclès Group

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À propos

Périclès Group, is a premier independent consulting group. It has a highly focussed and specific expertise in Bank, Finance, Insurance and Social Protection. Projects run from initial strategic review to full implementation. Périclès Group is present in France and internationally. The Group has over 300 blue chip clients. Our approach is to best support our customers by providing them expert advice and support using our offices in Paris, Luxembourg, Geneva and Hong-Kong. Since 2001, it built a substantial critical mass and a strong Brand and in Continental Europe, Périclès is pursuing further international development. Périclès Group is always looking for new exceptional recruits to meet its clients exacting needs. It is currently actively looking for top class consultants. This is a great opportunity for ambitious consultants, looking to make their mark within a World Class Organisation. Please find out more about the group and its exciting career opportunities on: http://www.pericles-group.com/en/team/join-us/job-opportunities/

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
Offres d'emploi déjà pourvues chez Périclès Group
Conseil en Banque, Finance, Assurance, Protection Sociale
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

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