

Site web Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Rédiger un avis sur Quora A place to share knowledge and better understand the world.
À propos

Quora is a Q&A platform that empowers people to share and grow the world’s knowledge. The vast majority of human knowledge is still not on the internet. Most of it is trapped in the form of experience in people’s heads, or buried in books and papers that only experts can access. More than a billion people use the internet yet only a tiny fraction contribute their knowledge to it. We want to democratize access to knowledge of all kinds—from politics to painting, cooking to coding, etymology to experiences—so if someone out there knows something, anyone else can learn it. Our mission is to share and grow the world's knowledge, and we're building a world-class team to help us achieve this mission. Visit quora.com/careers to browse open roles and apply online. Quora company blog: blog.quora.com Engineering blog: engineering.quora.com Design blog: design.quora.com Data blog: data.quora.com

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
Quora is a question-and-answer site where questions are asked, answered, edited, and organized by its community of users.
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

Détail sur l'entreprise

  • Localisation : 650 Castro St #450, Mountain View, CA 94041, USA
  • Date de création : 2009
  • Activité : Location de logements
  • Secteur : Information Technology
  • Nombre d'employés : 0 salarié (2004)
  • Chiffre d'affaire : $50M-$100M
  • Nature juridique : Société étrangère non immatriculée au RCS 
  • Tech :
    zendesk mailchimp marketo nginx google_apps aws_route_53 amazon_s3
  • Code APE : 6820A
  • Date information : 03/10/2000
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