
RPC Group Plc

Site web Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Rédiger un avis sur RPC Group Plc RPC is a leading plastic products design and engineering company for packaging and non-packaging markets.
À propos

Established in the UK in 1991, RPC is today a global design and engineering company specialising in polymer conversion in packaging and non-packaging markets, with centres of excellence worldwide and a turnover in excess of €4bn. Throughout our growth we have continued to focus on our core principles of establishing a devolved structure of specialist operations, all of which have expertise in individual processing technologies and in-depth knowledge and understanding of particular end markets. This enables us to develop tailored solutions to meet specific customer requirements. And our increasingly wide global footprint means we are ideally placed to support customers on a local, national and international basis, as well as providing multi-site security of supply. With industry leading product design capabilities across all conversion technologies, we drive innovation throughout all our product and technical components development work for packaging and non-packaging applications – delivering excellence in choice, manufacturing and customer service.

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
RPC Promens is a leading global manufacturer of plastics, packaging & containers. View our high quality range online and get in touch to order.
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

Détail sur l'entreprise

  • Date de création : 1991
  • Secteur : Materials
  • Tech :
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