À propos

CONSULTING - OUTSOURCING - DEVELOPMENT - CERTIFICATION - MOBILE TECHNOLOGY SETELIA gives you access to its competences and the services of its expert teams in order to provide you with specialized solutions. We offer you a  certification process,  technological consulting, outsourcing and mobile technologies so as to support your successful development. Today, the development of mobile technology is curbed by interoperability problems. Thus the expanding qualification of handsets and mobile networks as well as linked multimedia services is turning into a growing need expressed by the main telecommunications companies. Therefore, since you are a telecommunications company and mobile handsets require your entire attention, SETELIA, specialized in the third homologation of technological products, offers you solutions thanks to its expertise in mobile telephony. SETELIA’s top expert and proactive teams make costs reduction easier for you using its control of qualification processes and “cross-fertilisation”.  SETELIA respects time periods and guarantees you quality thanks to its expertise, its tools, its processes, its know-how, its technology, its availability and the experience of its managers.

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
Offres d'emploi déjà pourvues chez SETELIA

Détail sur l'entreprise

  • Ville : PARIS 2
  • Localisation : 2 RUE VOLNEY, 75002 PARIS 2
  • Activité : Ingénierie, études techniques
  • Secteur : Industrials
  • Nombre d'employés : 10 à 19 salariés (2016)
  • Chiffre d'affaire : $10M-$50M
  • Nature juridique : SAS, société par actions simplifiée
  • Code APE : 7112B
  • Date information : 10/12/2017
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