À propos

Salina Regional is now an integrated health system. Primary care physicians are an integral part of Salina Regional. The connection between a patient and his or her primary care physician is the relationship that most impacts health. Subspecialist physicians also are an integral part of Salina Regional, so we have the necessary elements for clinically integrating primary, subspecialty and hospital care. Affiliations with health care providers throughout the Sunflower Health Network have built a foundation for taking that integration to a regional level. Through its hospitals, physicians, clinical and support services, and affiliates, Salina Regional’s health system improves wellness, strives to provide exceptional care for the sick and injured, and meets health needs from prenatal care to end of life. Salina Regional insists on excellence. Throughout Salina Regional there is a culture of continuous improvement to achieve ever higher standards of patient access, clinical and service quality, affordability, and organizational sustainability. Throughout this culture is the insistence that we do what’s best for the patient. Salina Regional provides systems of health and systems of care. As the regional leader in north central Kansas providing a full continuum of integrated services, Salina Regional embraces the role of facilitating regional integration. Our primary care physicians are at the nexus of: • Systems of care, including illness and injury diagnosis, clinical intervention, rehabilitation, and end of life care, and • Systems of health, emphasizing prevention of illness and injury and maintenance and improvement of health status. Salina Regional collaborates to sustain access. Salina Regional Health Center leads regional initiatives and actively collaborates with the Sunflower Health Network, higher education institutions, regional health care providers, and others to develop and sustain access to comprehensive, highly coordinated services close to home.

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
The Tammy Walker Cancer Center is accredited by the American College of Radiation Oncology. In addition, the Tammy Walker Cancer Center is affiliated with the renowned Midwest Cancer Alliance, increasing access to the latest cancer treatment discoverie...
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

Détail sur l'entreprise

  • Date de création : 2004
  • Secteur : Health Care
  • Chiffre d'affaire : $50M-$100M
  • Tech :
    recaptcha apache google_tag_manager google_analytics
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