À propos

Technoform is the market leader in multiple industries with innovative and market oriented solutions and is present with more than 45 factories and sales offices globally. Our solutions are applied in industries that require the highest standards for precision and quality and these include aerospace, automotive, building and seawater desalination. In the building industry, we are a highly specialized and trusted partner to our stakeholders for more than 40 years. Our core solutions of high-precision thermal insulation profiles and edge bond technology help buildings achieve better energy and environmental balance. Our global team of passionate people connect with like-minded and forward looking organizations and together, we make the world better and more sustainable, one building façade at a time.

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
Technoform connects people with ideas into a global network of efficient and autonomous teams striving to find the best market-oriented solutions for their customers.
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

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