Make money, work Let's face it. The current 'younger generation'? is materialistic. There's nothing wrong with that, but it does give a different perspective on money and work. Money give youths freedom. Freedom to buy anything they want. To do what they want. Maybe to even do what their parents couldn't. But to make money, they'll have to work. Make money, work. YoungCapital helps the younger generation get to work. To pave the way for making their dreams hard reality. #makemoneywork Curious as to what we do? Check out our 'How We Work'? video for more info:
Source : Linkedin Mai 2018Logement pris en charge par l'entreprise (incluant factures eau, gaz, électricité et Internet) ; Assurer à la clientèle, souven...
Develop an intensive relationship with new customers, according an account planning. Marketing planning per year to identify in...
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