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Strategic Marketing & Business Development Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Strategic Marketing & Business Development Manager chez ABB

Strategic Marketing & Business Development Manager

Mission Statement:

In your role of Marketing & Business Development manager you will report to country managing director, and lead a team of 4. Your main missions will be:
Ensure comprehensive understanding of local market and competitive environment.
Support local management in identification and realization of business development opportunities in line with global strategies.
Support local divisions and business units in the definition and implementation of respective strategy – in line with global Group and business strategies.
Deploy the global digital strategy;
Support sales efficiency through tools adoption in daily activities.


1. Business Intelligence
Develops good understanding of respective local markets, competitive environments and ABB position. Propose strategic insights from these. Delivers Market Trends and Strategic Business Intelligence report. Report local market picture through group reporting.

2. Strategic Marketing
Provides inputs to country strategy development, based on good understanding of local market and divisions initiatives. Supports management of respective local unit in translating global strategies into local ones and in defining local implementation actions when needed.
Develops appropriate marketing messages and communications for the key audiences, segments collaborating with Communication department.

3. Business Development / Digital
Works with respective management in identification and prioritization of new business opportunities based on good understanding of local situation and global business strategies. Supports realization of prioritized opportunities.
Deploy the digital transformation strategy within the local entity and local market, through Country Digital Lead role.

4. Sales Efficiency
Develop tools (CRM) understanding and adoption to increase sales efficiency, and support marketing activities. Ensure role of local SPOC & Training Lead


Formal Education: Graduated from an Engineering school or Business School with engineering basics in the energy/industry fields appreciated.
A minimum of 5 years of experience in a similar position or in a consulting activity.
You have evolved in one of our markets: Energy, Industry, Building. Transportation.
English skills mandatory
Demonstrate a strong customer orientation and a strong collaborative spirit.
Ability to share a marketing and market vision with the teams.
Methodological mindset, analytical and synthesis capacity.
Strong communication capacities.
Curious, entrepreneur, proposing new ideas to ensure market penetration and innovation.
Frequent trips between Lyon-Paris

Additional information

Please apply directly on our website:

Location Cergy Pontoise, France

Business Unit

Date posted 2018-10-29

Job Function Marketing

Publication ID FR67029833_E1
Cpf final 4

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Strategic Marketing & Business Development Manager
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