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Account Executive, Enterprise Select

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Contenu de l'offre Account Executive, Enterprise Select chez Alteryx, Inc.

Paris (75)


Are you a proven sales professional looking to directly drive the success of one of the most exciting companies in Strategic Analytics? Alteryx has an immediate opportunity for an experienced, results oriented Account Executive. Our ideal candidate is a tireless hunter who lives for finding, developing and expanding opportunities for new business. If evangelizing unbelievable technologies is simply part of your sales DNA, and being the vanguard for the next wave in BI / Strategic Analytics sounds exciting, then we'd like to talk to you!


7-10 years of experience selling complex Enterprise level B2B software solutions to the executive/director-level as well as the analyst/user community; SaaS, PaaS and/or hybrid. Proven sales track record with history of clearly meeting or exceeding quotas. Technologically savvy with experience in Business Intelligence, Strategic Analytics, Data Integration/ETL, Data Services Provider or Data Discovery/Visualization technology is required. History of successful technology sales to LOB, rather than straight IT focus. Ability to develop the strategic goals and tactical plans necessary to identify, prospect and connect with targeted accounts. Can successfully translate technology into business level conversations that bring value and uncover opportunity for our clients.


Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in business or sales management A disciplined “prospector” who can continuously build a pipeline while working on prosecuting deals; leverage existing network and all social channels including LinkedIn to drive communications and account penetration. Disciplined sales professional with ability to self-manage and push beyond the bounds of adequate performance and standard expectations. Documented expertise in any of our primary vertical industries: retail/CPG, financial services, retail banking, QSR/FSR/LSR, telecommunications or real estate. Ability to travel up to 40 to 60%. Detail oriented, relationship building skills, and a focus on a high level of customer service Excellent written and verbal communication skills, including high caliber presentation skills; PC skills including PowerPoint, Word, Excel and


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