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Contenu de l'offre Solutions Sales Expert chez amdocs

Paris (75)

If you’re a smartphone user then you are part of an ever more connected and digital world. At Amdocs, we are leading the digital revolution into the future. From virtualized telecommunications networks, Big Data and Internet of Things to mobile financial services, billing and operational support systems, we are continually evolving our business to help you become more connected. We make sure that when you watch a video on YouTube, message friends on SnapChat or send your images on Instagram, you get a great service anytime, anywhere, and on any device. We are at the heart of the telecommunications industry working with giants such as AT&T, Vodafone, Telstra and Telefonica, helping them create an amazing new world for you where technology is being used in amazing new ways every single day.

In one sentence

Leads the technical sales process to align Amdocs Network solutions with the customer’s technical and business requirements.

What will your job look like? Understand the customer’s business challenges / pain points Create a differentiated value proposition that will emphasize Amdocs unique value and will address the customer’s challenges Develop trusted advisor relationships with the customer Ensures that the proposed solution is the “right” solution, i.e., addresses the customer’s real business needs and budget and has the most chances to be delivered on time Accountable for Amdocs technical solution within the various stage of the sales processes both in front of the customer and internally Identify new opportunities by understanding customer’s business challenges and potential Amdocs solutions and offerings On going interactions with various team across Amdocs organization (delivery , product sales engineers , management , 3 rd party co-ordinators and more) All you need is... Minimum 15 years of experience in Communication industry. 10+ year Systems integration / software architecture as part of overall at least 8 years’ experience of BSS/OSS software design, development and deployment. Experience in project delivery interaction with 3rd party vendors Proven experience of requirements analysis, project planning, solution design, software design, development and deployment. Customer facing, sales processes knowledge understanding. Adaptable, able to acquire technical and business skills needed to integrate with and satisfy the customer needs rapidly. Confident and polished with excellent communication skills. Demonstrated ability to make a client feel confident in our ability to get job done. Accessibility during off-hours due to time zone differences Broad Knowledge of Telco markets and technologies. Very deep knowledge of at least 2 of the 4 BSS and OSS domains covered by solution. Solid understanding of the other 2 domains Solid understanding of the Amdocs suite Experience of working with Tier-1 Communication or Broadband Degree in Computer Science or related discipline Why you will love this job: This is a unique opportunity for you to take a leading role in positioning Amdocs solutions and be involved in new and exciting domains. You will have the opportunity to work on large scale deals with leading industry customers, and communicate with c levels and decision makers in those companies. You will function as the technical guru and will have the opportunity to influence on the solutions we provide to our top customers. You will have the opportunity to work in a growing organization, with a high driven sales team.

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