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Enterprise Pre-Sales Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Enterprise Pre-Sales Manager chez Appier

Appier’s Enterprise Pre-sales Manager combines deep technical subject matter expertise with a keen understanding of how to address the critical business needs of enterprise customers through Appier’s AI products.

Externally, this role works closely with the Business Development(sales) team to close sophisticated enterprise deals, supporting the team through the full sales process of solution engineering, from pre-sales, solution implementation, and deployment plan. Internally, the Enterprise Presales Manager works closely with the Sales, Engineering, Product Development and Customer Success teams.

You are an influential team player who accurately represents the needs of enterprise customers, can mobilize resources quickly to resolve problems, and ensure detailed documentation of product road-map feature enhancements. A successful implementation requires in-depth knowledge of our products and to be an expert in hands-on service delivery, solution development, and support operation. You must have excellent communication skills to help coordinate and manage requirements and expectations of the client. You also have to develop standard solution guide and technical support guide to scale up for global service delivery.

60% pre-sales activities including implementation plan, consultation on data analytics and service delivery, 20% technical support and product request evaluation, and 20% working with internal teams. Developing solutions for customers by working out existing product solutions for data integration and service application recommendations. Discussing the product definition, implementation, operation and clarifying issues with the customer. Developing standard solution guide and technical support guide as product support assets Leading application implementation project and maintaining customer relations. Requirements
Minimum 2 years experience in client-facing pre-sales, project management or service delivery. Ability to identify requirements before the customer does and respond quickly. Excellent communication skills to effectively convey technical information to both technical and non-technical audience. Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Japanese Detail-oriented and able to handle hands-on operations. Demonstrate problem solving skills Solid knowledge in web/app event tracking Solid knowledge in data analytics (e.g. Google Analytics, data warehouse, SQL … etc.) Solid knowledge in digital marketing or CRM Demonstrate knowledge and experience in basic internet technologies (e.g. HTML/CSS/Javascript) Please also include a successful customer solution proposal summary in your CV.
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