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France Sales Operations Analyst

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Contenu de l'offre France Sales Operations Analyst chez AWS EMEA SARL (France Branch)

Courbevoie (92) Bachelor’s degree in finance, business, economics, mathematics, or other highly quantitative fields 3+ years of work experience in business planning, business analysis, reporting, strategy, analytics or business intelligence Fluent in English and French Advanced proficiency in MS Excel, working with large datasets Experience in building data visualization dashboards (with Tableau - preferred) Experience in segmentation/industry/market analysis for large organizations Experience in defining business requirements and developing scorecards/leaderboards and business metrics dashboards to develop meaningful KPIs and extract actionable insights to senior sales leaders
AWS is seeking a talented Sales Operations Analyst to join the growing and fast-paced Sales Strategy & Operations team in France. This is a unique opportunity to play a key role in the exciting cloud industry and work for Amazon Web Services.

You should have experience in analytical thought leadership for a Sales organization, supporting the development of business insights, strategic initiatives, the implementation of mechanisms, and business planning. You should be passionate about developing actionable business insights, setting the highest standards while providing information that enables strategic decision-making. You should have excellent business acumen and communication skills, and be able to work with AWS business leaders to define and answer key business questions, then work backwards to deliver meaningful insights to streamline the decision-making process. Your deep analytical skills, strong business judgement, and focus on our core operational inputs will make you a critical partner to Sales and Sales Strategy & Operations leaders as you help prioritize initiatives, identify gaps in processes and performance, and remove blockers to execution. You should be passionate about working with data, dive deep, and be excited about collaborating with Sales and Sales management, BI & Data Engineers, Business Analysts, and EMEA Sales Strategy & Operations teams. You will work closely with the France Sales Strategy & Operations lead.

What you will do:
Support in the implementation of processes/mechanisms to streamline the execution of the French business strategy Partner closely with the French Sales management to set ambitious yet achievable goals for the sales organization, then put a solid framework in place to report, analyze and measure progress against them. Analyze industry/market data and Amazon internal data to understand the competitive landscape across services and identify customer trends Support the strategic initiatives from the analytics and performance tracking standpoint Support and execute key executive reporting consumed by the French leadership
Experience in working in a fast-paced environment/high-growth technology company and with cross-functional teams would be highly beneficial Experience in producing data-driven recommendations and suggestions to senior leadership Hands-on experience of Salesforce Experience in writing SQL queries
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France Sales Operations Analyst
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