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Contenu de l'offre Account Manager Asia chez Back Market

Paris (75) As Back Market is getting even stronger as a leader of the refurbished market while developing world-wide, we are looking for great international talents to strengthen our Sales team. As a key member of the global Sales team, you will be part of our Asian team of Account Management composed of 2 talented people. As a manager responsible of our main supply you’ll help Back Market to thrive on different levels:
Internationally, by making sure our merchants actively sell in all our markets Diversification, for our merchants to sell on widest range of products Quality: with the best level of quality possible Profitability & Scalability

Your Mission (If You Accept It):

Strategy, thanks to the feedback from your team and data: You’ll closely work with our Operations Team to ensure constant efficiency of your team You’ll propose and help define services and project to ensure a continuous performance of our merchants with our Sales Project Team You’ll create ambitious targets leading your team to successfully achieve Back Market OKR
Sales, Being responsible of the European offer, you will help your team to sell across our 20 markets with the best offer possible Advising: Identify growth opportunities in your team merchant pool based on in-depth business analysis and dashboards Selection: Push merchants to enrich their product selections, by helping them on the sourcing and visibility of those items Availability: Thanks to your analytical skills, you are helping to improve the processes and operations to get costs reduction and tackle the possible flaws and delays while continuously innovating Developing: With a continuous expansion, you’ll help your Team merchants to sell internationally and be a part of new country opening Conversion: Contribute to the creation of new services to always better the sellers and customers experience on Back Market

You're At The Right Place If:

You speak Chinese fluently and English is a no brainer for you You have been at least 2 years of experience in Account Management Consistent track record of achieving personal and team goals You have the ability to grow business in strategic manner, i.e. creating new processes and initiatives Excellent digital culture & deep understanding of the marketplace business model You’re a fantastic team player, thriving in an international environmentEnglish is a no brainer

Recruitment Process:

Phone interview with Billy, Talent Acquisition Specialist Interview with Margaux, Head of Account Management Interview with Alexis, Head of Business Development Interview with Raoul COO & Thibaut CEO Save the planet... join Back Market !
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Account Manager Asia
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