Offres d'emplois Commercial & vente

English Sales Representative

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Contenu de l'offre English Sales Representative chez Boost My Shop


Are you looking for a dynamic company in full growth in a sector full of innovation ? We are seeking a motivated, self-sufficient sales specialist, interested by the Web and extensions for e-commerce.

Do you want to benefit from exceptional working conditions and living environment ?

This company and environment exist !

Discover Boost My Shop, editor of extensions and tools in e-commerce. Join us today in the South of France, in the department of the Var, an area blessed with its proximity to nature but distance to the stress and gloom of city life.

Boost My Shop edits over 20 different management and economic intelligence tools for websites using Magento, Prestashop, Shopify and Woo Commerce.

Boost My Shop has already distributed innovative solutions to over 10 000 clients, 80% of those being international.

To be a part of and assist with the rapid growth of our business, we are looking for an English speaking sales representative with the intention of reinforcing our commercial team.

Based in La Garde (83).

Job Offer

In order to develop our range of « economic intelligence tools » by Pricing Lab, you would be rejoining our sales team (French and English) more specifically for the North American clients base.

Faced with a clientele of professionals in e-commerce, you will be identifying and qualifying prospects by mail, telephone and chat online and hold demonstrations over interactive calls for our ecommerce solutions.

Commercial based and staying in La Garde near Toulon.

Is this job made for you ?

Your profile

Knowledge of English and American culture, you will benefit from an ideal first experience in the marketing of tools, and services to improve your knowledge and command of e-commerce.

Business school training and degree, and passionate about new technology and digital services. With an immaculate grasp of written and oral communication skills.

Involved, dynamic and persevering you must also demonstrate excellent listening skills.

Uncapped compensation with a fixed salary and variables on objectives

Tickets Restaurant & Mutuelle Groupe included

Join a business driven by ambition and innovation… send your resume and cover letter to the following address :

Cpf final 4

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English Sales Representative
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