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Junior Sales & Education Manager West & Southern Ireland H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Junior Sales & Education Manager West & Southern Ireland H/F chez Caudalie

Caudalie recherche …
As a Junior Sales and Education Manager, you are responsible for the sales development in your area. The sales in the sell-in part (BtoB) but also the sales in the sell-out part (BtoC). You work in an omnichannel environment : Pharmacies, Hotel Spas and Department Stores. 50 % of the mission is Sell-out Expert like and 50% is account manager like.


Commercial follow-up : you ensure the commercial follow-up of our points of sales : you visit them all regularly to present them with new products, promotions and take restocking orders. You apply the policy of the company and you defend the selective nature of our network of distribution.

Training : You ensure the training of your teams into the point of sales : during the visit you train the beauty advisors of the point of sales by providing them the knowledge that will BE useful to sell Caudalie.

Action plans : you boost sales by setting up flow plans adapted to each point of sale and by optimising all marketing tools available to you. At each visit, you work on the visibility of the Brand, update the merchandising plan which must BE kept up to date permanence.

Beauty expert : you are perfectly familiar with our formulas, products and the competition. You regularly train the pharmacy and department store teams who must know our products and know how to sell them.

Sell-out Events : you carry out event animations in points of sale to sustainably boost sales. Your goal is long term consumers satisfaction and loyalty. You can recognise different skin types and you offer tailor-made beauty rituals. Event in your point of sales represent 50 % of your mission time.

Organisation : you manage your agenda with rigor : you respect the frequency and number of visits by type of customer, carry out prospecting visits, lead the sale and you optimize your route in order to waste the least amount of time possible on the road or on public transport. Your agenda must BE able to BE consulted at any time by your manager.

Reporting : you report to the National Sales Manager : you perform your duties under the supervision of your manager who will accompany you regularly with customers. You will report back to him/her every week on your progress.


Location : ideally Limerick or Cork

Driving License (manual) : Mandatory

Starting date : April 2023

Profile overview : You come from a retail background (beauty expert, counter beauty advisor, brand advisor in store etc.). You know how to approach a customer and how to close a sale. You are familiar with all the different step in the client experience that will convince your customer to buy your products. You want to learn the sell-in part of an account manager job to grow your commercial skills. You know how to build a strong and trustful relationship with people. You are autonomous, you can take initiatives by yourself and you like driving.

You have an entrepreneurial spirit, and you want to BE part of a company that grows fast and shares strong values regarding ecology and efficiency for its clients. No beauty industry experience required.
Cpf final 4

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Junior Sales & Education Manager West & Southern Ireland H/F
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