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Expansion Account Executive H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Expansion Account Executive H/F chez Dynatrace

Dynatrace recherche …
Who are they?
Dynatrace exists to make the world's software work perfectly. Our unified software intelligence platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with the most advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data at an enormous scale. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. That is why the world's largest organizations trust Dynatrace® to accelerate digital transformation.

Job Description
At Dynatrace, our drive for innovation is unparalleled, and that's why customers like Delta, SAP and others succeed with our products. Our fast-paced Sales team is refocusing and redefining our sales structure. We're looking to fill a newly created position called a Expansion Account Executive to focus on new revenue sales across a dedicated named account list of Enterprise customers. IT's all about a land and expand approach amongst enterprise, quality organizations. You can expect around 6-8 named accounts of existing customers whom you will nurture and expand partnerships with, as well as 20-25 prospective customers whom you will find an entry point to introduce Dynatrace. You will BE mentored by our award-winning leadership team and work closely with our top-performing sales pros, SDRs and Partners to assist you for a path to ultimate success.

What you will BE focusing on as an Expansion Account Executive
- Execute on account plans to deliver maximum revenue potential within a pool of broad, regionally focused accounts
- Drive new logo acquisition; while working with existing customers to retain and expand Dynatrace usage
- Consult with VP- and C-level executives to develop and implement an effective enterprise-wide strategy that maximizes the value delivered by Dynatrace; position Dynatrace relative to the competition
- Generate velocity by establishing Dynatrace in new and existing markets through product demonstrations, in-market events and account specific initiatives
- Develop a contact network within named accounts and channel partners to ensure Dynatrace can BE sold broadly and effectively
- Work closely and co-sell with Dynatrace functional areas such as sales engineering, marketing, legal, finance and other lines of business to develop and execute a solution strategy to meet customer business needs
- Ensure your customers' implementations are wildly successful
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Expansion Account Executive H/F
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