Offres d'emplois Commercial & vente

Bioprocess Sales Specialist

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Contenu de l'offre Bioprocess Sales Specialist chez Eppendorf

Your challenges

You work independently in a pan-European sales team and organize your working day flexibly, according to the requirements of the sales region. You create demand for bioprocess products and services from Eppendorf and independently complete your own sales projects. This includes systematic market observation, contact by telephone, e-mail and/or personal visits on site. You maintain and develop relationships with established pharmaceutical, biotech and academic clients and contact potential clients based on information received at trade shows, from marketing campaigns, social media, telephone inquiries and other sources. You will take part in local trade shows and international bioprocess conferences, provide professional advice to your customers and prepare technically sophisticated offers according to customer requirements. You regularly and conscientiously maintain the CRM (Customer Relation Management) system as the basis for account, customer and opportunity management. You report to the regional sales management at the Eppendorf Bioprocess Center in Germany.

Your expertise

You have a degree in natural sciences/engineering combined with experience in the field of bioprocess technology and biotechnology. You already have experience in sales of technical products requiring explanation. You are flexible and willing to travel within and outside the sales region. You have the ability to understand and work in culturally different markets. You bring along expert fluency in French and English (both written and spoken), preferably a 3rd language as well.

Your benefits at Eppendorf

Opportunity to work cross functionally within an international and innovative environment in a technical challenging field Personal and professional development through individual training. Innovative and appreciative corporate culture. Company car for private use.
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Bioprocess Sales Specialist
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