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International Business Development Manager- B2B2C

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Contenu de l'offre International Business Development Manager- B2B2C chez Europcar Mobility Group

Job Description


As International Sales Business Development Manager for Europcar Mobility Group, you will be responsible for identifying and signing New Business for our Mobility solutions

You will be responsible for providing new international partnerships, while leading and guiding internally to develop and implement profitable contracts. Partnerships are a key distribution channel for Europcar Mobility Group, allowing our partners’ customers to book a mobility service with us within our partners environment (BtoBtoC).

You will lead and implement new segments of customers by selling the full portfolio of brands and propositions of the Europcar Mobility Group.


Develop and Manage the New Business pipeline, Elaborate market benchmark and competition watch on related segments, Selection of strategic new partnerships (B2B2C distribution channel) in traditional segments (airlines, hotels) and in an emerging business models (e-retailer, Mobility As A Service App, home sharing and others), Propose targeted and adapted digital/IT integration, Build mobility offers supported by Europcar Mobility Group’s recent acquisitions, Coordinate and follow up projects in the framework of new partnership delivery, Reply to complex transversal RFP process within short timeframe, lead negotiations, building financial modelling & analysis, facilitate decision making to the board, elaborate partner contracts and coordinate internal teams, Support local offices to develop a strong and diversified portfolio partnership activity (pipeline strategy, commercial/offers proposals, and recommendations).


Internal: Strong coordination role with all concerned services (e-commerce, controlling ,RCM, Operations, Business units (low cost, mobility) country coordination). External: Management of the relationship with prospects.


Education level / certificates: Business school profile

Languages: Fluent in English is mandatory. Another European language as an option.

Computer skills and software used: MS office: strong Excel and Powerpoint expertise, Google tools, Photoshop, HTML

Education level / certificates: Business school profile

Languages: Fluent in English is mandatory. Another European language as an option.

Computer skills and software used: MS office: strong Excel and Powerpoint expertise, Google tools, Photoshop, HTML

Additional Information

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International Business Development Manager- B2B2C
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