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IS Project & Relationship Manager

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Contenu de l'offre IS Project & Relationship Manager chez Firmenich

IS Project & Relationship Manager

Location: Paris, France

Key Responsibilities:

Ensure primary assigned projects are completed successfully
Responsible for delivering project within agreed upon scope, quality, budgets & schedules and resolving day to day issues
Identify risks/roadblocks/major changes and escalate to steering committee
Ensure there is a frequent and active dialogue with all key stakeholders
Direct and run regular Project Management Meetings - Fortnight or weekly for projects > 3.0 mCHF
Chair meetings with business users and IS personnel for defining, prioritizing and resolving requests
Prepare proposals, including cost & benefit analysis, for larger change requests or large/medium projects
Assigned responsibility includes IS coordination of sites within Europe, with a Day-to-day presence in France
Develop the skills and competencies of assigned sites' IS Business contacts;
Collaborate in optimizing the delivery of local Field Support services in assigned sites
Effectively support the assigned sites user's community in their daily usage of their business applications, including initial training for business newcomers
Ensure on time delivery, resolution, respecting SLA with regards to all Level 3 (helping Level 2 when required) for Europe
Ensure the successful knowledge transfer and retention of IS IBS Team in assigned sites
Optimize the IS scorecard compliance results for assigned sites

We Value:

Computer Engineering Manager Degree or equivalent
At least 5 years of experience in managing systems to ease user experience and 3+ years of experience in IT project management
Fluent level of French and English
Ability to work with offshore teams and ability to ensure team cohesion
Results oriented and good at time management
Curious, autonomous, needs little supervision (works with remote teams)
Creating positive impact and influencing others
Excellent verbal & written communication skills

We Offer:

To be part of a winning team that challenges the status quo and has the hunger for success
A fast-paced environment surrounded by some of the biggest talents and brands in the flavors, taste, beauty and fragrance industries
Leadership, learning, training and development plans
Creative mindset to inspire our customers and consumers worldwide
Competitive base salary, variable compensation plans such as profit sharing (prime) and an enviable set of benefits
To be in for an inspiring journey of learning and transformation


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