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Contenu de l'offre Key Account Manager chez Gatewatcher


is looking for a Key Account Manager

Gatewatcher is the first platform for digital breach detection (Intrustion Detection
System) to be developed in France. Our unique technology detects the most advanced
threats, made with the most crafted exploitation methods (polymorphism, obfuscation,
encoding, ROPchain…) and the threats based on all types of malicious files
(ransomware, cryptolocker…). The project was started in 2015 by engineer, Jacques
de La Rivière, and security expert, Philippe Gillet. Gatewatcher’s team is composed of
experts in security, networks, systems, encryption and machine learning. During the
2016 edition of the FIC (Forum International Cybersecurity), Gatewatcher was
awarded the French Cybersecurity accreditation rewarding innovation in the cyber
defence field. It’s also being certified by ANSSI (French Cybersecurity Agency) and
meets the requirement of the Military Planning Act.

You’ll be part of our sales team, comprised of 5 people and will work directly with your sales manager:

Your missions:

Promote our product and our offers in order to foster sales relationships, develop and retain your

Cold calling;
Develop our growth with daily sales actions;
Keep up with your daily and weekly goals, and actions with other account managers;
Acquiring new customers in order to strengthen our client structure and maximize sales;
Identify, qualify prospect potential, know its organization and the decision-makers;
Include and report sales processes and goals to ensure success and development for Gatewatcher;

Your skills:

Your responsiveness and flexibility will allow you to succeed in this versatile position;
You are autonomous, rigorous and organized, which makes you agile when managing your daily sales

and admin tasks;
Great sense of interaction and good communication skills;
Capacity for initiative.

In a few words

Sector: cybersecurity
Position: Key Account Manager
Contract: permanent / work-study contract
Location: 42, Rue Washington, 75008 Paris
Remuneration: depending on profile

To apply


+33 1 44 51 92 61

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