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Contenu de l'offre Account Manager chez Glovo

Glovo is a Barcelona based start-up that is transforming the way consumer access to local goods, enabling anyone to get nearly any product delivered in less than 60 minutes. We are present in Europe, South and Central America, EMEA and many more to come!

Glovo's on-demand mobile application connects customers with independent local couriers, who acquire goods from any restaurant or shop in a city and also deliver urgent packages for a variable fee.

As a Account Manager, you will be a key role in the Glovo Partner Operations team.

You will:
Own partner relationships, including understanding P&L tracking, leading co-marketing efforts to drive awareness and activation, and ensure operational excellence Onboard new partners on our platform by providing them all the necessary tools and information to start working Improve operational efficiency of our partners by making sure we always deliver the best service to our customer Be responsible for our partners business performance, analyse their main KPIs and ensure growth MoM. Track and reporting of performance metrics. Get feedback from our partners and translate it into product, marketing and operations improvement Maintain good relationship between Glovo and our partners Requirements:
1-2 years of experience in Account Management and/or Business Consultant, preferably in FMCG, food-hospitality or on-demand delivery industry Problem solver, perfect written and spoken communication Customer obsession Proactive, organized, and obsessed with details Benefits:
The opportunity to be part of a world class startup that is changing the Delivery business. Work in an international, dynamic and passionate environment with a great company culture. Social benefits (free Glovo credits, fresh fruit every day, free Wednesday lunches, beers on Fridays!) Excellent opportunities for professional growth!
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Account Manager
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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