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Business Developer H/F - Turkish or Vietnamese speaking

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Contenu de l'offre Business Developer H/F - Turkish or Vietnamese speaking chez Green Panda Games

Would you like to join a vibrant and fast-growing mobile gaming start-up located in the middle of Paris? Well this offer is for you!

Green Panda Games is a start-up specialized in developing and publishing mobile games for the iOS and Android platforms. We create and publish idle games but also games from diverse categories, ranging from casual (card game, puzzle) to hyper-casual (arcade, sport).

You will join a high-performing team where your work will be important and valued. You will have a lot of responsibility and will be required to learn fast and be a full contributing member of the team in a short time.


We’re looking for someone with a passion for video games and talent for business development, speaking either Turkish or Vietnamese. You will be developing our Mobile Game Publishing activity with our Head of Business Development.

Your responsibilities will be the following:

- Find new high potential mobile gaming studios to partner with
- Own the business development process starting from prospection, negotiation and onboarding
- Coordinate with the different teams (Design, Data, Marketing) to make sure everything is on track with us and the partner studio during the initial phase of partnership
- Follow the test-process for the games proposed and provide consulting/coaching to the partner studio for the best results
- Follow the trends of the mobile gaming industry, specifically the casual space
- Maintain a marketing and communications stack for external developer outreach


- Fluent Turkish OR Vietnamese.

- Bachelor’s degree from a Business school or gaming related. Masters is a plus.
- Fluent English is mandatory, written and spoken.
- Prior experience in business development is ideal
- General knowledge of the digital industry and the gaming industry is a plus
- Excellent analytical capabilities and attention to detail

Job Types: Full-time, Permanent


English (Preferred) Turkish (Preferred) Vietnamese (Preferred)
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Business Developer H/F - Turkish or Vietnamese speaking
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