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Contenu de l'offre ACCOUNT MANAGER chez Indegene

Paris (75) The Account Manager needs to identify potential opportunities and generate business from new accounts and maximize revenues. He or she needs to partner with clients across the entire gamut of print and digital assets, including localization, multi-lingual support, and content transformation for digital devices such as iPads and mobile phones. The Account Manager also serves as the point of contact for Brand Teams and Creative Agencies.
Job Description: The roles and responsibilities of the Account Manager include the following: Leading customer relationships in the existing accounts in creative and digital production services Working in close collaboration with presales and delivery teams to ensure that the proposed offerings and services fully meet the customers’ business and technology needs Being responsible for providing weekly, monthly, and quarterly status reports (Metadata) Executing some tasks in online routing/approval system Coordinating in-process content reviews with agencies, marketing, proofreading, and reviewing committees (Legal/Medical/Regulatory) Adhering to compliance procedures and internal/operational risk controls in accordance with any and all applicable regulatory standards, requirements, and policies
Desired Skills and Experience: Education—Graduation, preferably in pharma or life sciences Experience—7-15 years of experience in client services or project management in the pharmaceutical or pharmaceutical services industry, with minimum 3-5 years of experience in client facing Client-oriented attitude with focus on creating strong long-term relationships with clients and encouraging others to work toward this goal Ability to identify opportunities within client organization, define solutions, and close business Deliver results-driven ideas grounded in sound strategic thinking, considering the client business needs and challenges Excellent written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills Ability to negotiate with clients without confrontation and without compromising the relationship Strong administrative and organizational planning skills, including ability to multitask and prioritize responsibilities and work in a team-oriented environment as well as independently Ability to assure timely completion of assignments Skilled in problem identification and problem solving Exposure of working with pharmaceutical or pharmaceutical services industry Regulatory compliance would be an added benefit
Cpf final 4

Quoi de neuf dans l'univers de l'emploi marketing, relation client et digital ?

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