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Business Development Manager M - F - D H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Business Development Manager M - F - D H/F chez InterCloud

InterCloud recherche …
Who are they?
As organizations migrate their resources to the cloud, they recognize that an effective cloud strategy cannot do without proper connectivity.

InterCloud simplifies and improves access to cloud applications for global enterprises. More than 50 of them rely on InterCloud to provide the right answer to the security and compliance issues related to the hybridization of business applications.

By providing flexible, reliable and seamless access to cloud applications, InterCloud ensures businesses have total control of their applications. That's why leading cloud providers like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google Cloud, Salesforce, ServiceNow or IBM have joined the InterCloud platform.

About the role :
We are looking for an agile and highly driven Senior Business Development Manager to join our GO To Market team and win new enterprise business across France and Europe.

This is an opportunity to take part in making the future of cloud native connectivity today. If you are seeking a sales role working with cutting edge technology in a fast-paced environment, this could BE the perfect opportunity for you. You will enjoy working in a multinational team.

Your missions :

Reporting to the VP of Sales, your mission will BE to :
- Generate new leads
- Identify, create and qualify opportunities with potential customers on the different business verticals you will BE assigned to
- Collect and analyze prospect information (geographic data, cloud and IT consumption, ecosystem...)
- Determine the right contact, their position in the organization, their contact information and the product benefit that could transform the opportunity
- Understand and qualify prospects' needs and secure qualified appointments
- As an ambassador, you will BE the first point of contact with our prospects
- Think and implement prospecting actions on the French and Benelux markets in particular
- Participate in the outbound and inbound strategy for lead generation in collaboration with the sales and marketing teams
- Carry out a rigorous follow-up of leads via our CRM until they are passed on to Sales
- Carry out regular competitive watch
Cpf final 4

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