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KR Wavemaker | International Account Executive H/F

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Contenu de l'offre KR Wavemaker | International Account Executive H/F chez KR Media

Paris (75) CDI GroupM | International Account Executive - Beauty sector
COMPANY A subsidiary of WPP, GroupM is the world leader in consulting and advertising space purchasing and supports its advertisers in promoting their brands. Present in more than 80 countries, we work with renowned clients in a wide range of industries. In France, we are present through the KR WaveMaker, Mediacom, Mindshare, Neo and Keyade agencies (1000 employees). The agency is assigned for paid media with a need to advise across Paid-Owned-Earned. Areas of responsibility include thought leadership, planning, digital leadership, campaigns’ implementation, media efficiency
CLIENT A beauty/luxury client for which the Global team is providing support on best cases, trends, innovation, reporting for all media and involvement in strategic projects, across 23+ markets
CORE RESPONSIBILITIES The Account Executive will be part of the global team for a beauty/luxury client . The role includes (but not limited to) the following key roles & responsibilities:
Supporting Account Manager in securing preferred status with the client in data management, and adding value to their business through the delivery of compelling and accurate learnings, best practices , innovation and reporting Much of the time will be spend working with the local teams in charge of the account locally. Support to coordinate our local markets. Your role is to “pull” best practice / innovation / trends / reporting to nourish the team and clients. Able to deliver against day to day operational needs and at the same time, being involved in the main projects leaded by the senior team management
PROFILE. The ideal candidate will the following skills: Organizational skills and time management Numerical skills Fluent or comfortable with English as requires communication with local markets and all documents produced are in English. Good communication skills (oral & written) to structure sharp learnings & insights Sensibility and understanding of the beauty/luxury sector and digital
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KR Wavemaker | International Account Executive H/F
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