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Contenu de l'offre Head of Sales EMEA chez Ledger SAS

Head of Sales EMEA

We're making the world of digital assets accessible and secure for everyone. Join the mission. 
Founded in 2014, Ledger is the global platform for digital assets and Web3. Over 20% of the world’s crypto assets are secured through our Ledger Nanos. Headquartered in Paris and Vierzon, with offices in UK, US, Switzerland and Singapore, Ledger has a team of more than 900 professionals developing a variety of products and services to enable individuals and companies to securely buy, store, swap, grow and manage crypto assets – including the Ledger hardware wallets line with more than 6 millions units already sold in 200 countries. 
At Ledger, we embody the values that make us unique: Pragmatism, Audacity, Commitment, Trust and Transparency. Hear from our employees how they shape the work we do here.
As part of its strong growth, Ledger is looking for a:
Head of Sales EMEA
As part of its strong growth, Ledger – the technology leader in digital assets and crypto-security solutions – is looking for a Sales Director EMEA. You will lead the EMEA sales team, grow the business and create a sales strategy to maintain our n1 leadership position on the market.

Your missions

Lead Europe regional sales, grow the business opening relevant retailers, mainly key consumer electronics in the area;
Maximize revenue of existing partners. Building long term relationships and negotiating trade terms. Position Ledger as strategic to them;

Create and implement a full year Sales strategy for the zone. Help the partners to promote the brand, optimize their traffic acquisition and echo Ledger tone of voice;
Manage the EMEA sales team, mentor the team, facilitate and organize development efforts. Develop and retain talents; 
Collaborate and influence Ledger’s team to execute this strategy: Logistics, Marketing, Customer Support, Finance, etc.
Analyze business and take actions based on those recommendations;

Optimize process to ease daily business, communication flow and reporting;

Stay up to date on the latest industry news and key actors

Your profile

Master Degree in business management or equivalent 
Leadership experience with track record of exceeding sales targets 
revious experience (at least 10 years) in selling hardware products to European retailers, experience with consumer electronics would be a plus
Previous experience in an international environment and ability to work in English
Negotiation and influencing skills based on the « consultative selling » approach
Customer centric Problem solver and result oriented
Analytical skills with capability to present data in a compelling manner
Excellent organizational skillsEnglish fluent
Passionate by the Web3 world and willing to learn

Paris, France /
Consumer - Consumer Sales – Wholesales /
Permanent contract / CDI
/ Hybrid
Cpf final 4

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Head of Sales EMEA
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