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Associate Director - Asset Management Relationship Manager, Paris

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Contenu de l'offre Associate Director - Asset Management Relationship Manager, Paris chez Macquarie Group

Associate Director - Asset Management Relationship Manager, Paris

A fantastic opportunity has arisen for an experienced Asset Management Relationship Manager to work within Macquarie Asset Management’s Client Solutions Group in Paris.

Our Client Solutions Group is responsible for Macquarie Asset Management’s investor interface across product development, capital raising, investor relations and co-investment. We have a globally diverse investor base, and the team covers the world’s largest and most sophisticated institutional investors globally, including Pension Funds, Insurance Companies, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Family offices and Foundations.

As an Associate Director, you will be a thought leader and partner to the business and passionate about optimizing the value delivered to investors and to the business overall. You will bring a proven history of capital raising within a well-established network across Private and Public Markets in France. You will act as a representative who can work with our French team focusing on prospect generation and development for Real Estate, Infrastructure, Private Credit and Public Investment products.  You will be supporting our work in expanding coverage in the French insurance and asset management markets and developing the wholesale channel.  

You will have overall responsibility for generating and connecting with new prospects in France with a particular focus on our Real Estate and Private product offering.  You will take over some of MAM’s existing client relationships in France and support the continued work of market mapping in France, whilst developing your understanding of our product offering and finding new opportunities to expand our coverage in the French market .

To be successful in this role, you will be pragmatic and dynamic in your style and outlook, bringing an appropriate balance of commercial and risk caution to each situation faced. You will need to be client focused and forward thinking with sound judgement and excellent execution, communication and negotiating skills.  Ideally, you will have 8+ years’ experience in client coverage across Real Assets and Private Equity, be well-networked, and have an extensive institutional and/or wholesale client relationships. Fluency in both French and English is highly desirable.   

If you are looking to take your career to the next level, with a forward thinking, progressive and globally recognised brand, please apply now! 

About Macquarie Asset Management

Macquarie Asset Management is a global asset manager that aims to deliver positive impact for everyone. Trusted by institutions, pension funds, governments, and individuals to manage more than $A735.5 billion in assets globally, we provide access to specialist investment expertise across a range of capabilities including fixed income, equities, multi-asset solutions, private credit, infrastructure, renewables, natural assets, real estate, and transportation finance.

Our commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 

The diversity of our people is one of our greatest strengths. An inclusive and equitable workplace enables us to embrace that diversity to deliver more innovative and sustainable solutions for our people, clients, shareholders and communities. At Macquarie, you'll be encouraged to be yourself and supported to perform at your best. If you're inspired to deliver on our purpose of ‘empowering people to innovate and invest for a better future’, we want you on our team. If you need adjustments made to the recruitment process, please reach out to your recruiter.

As an inclusive employer, Macquarie does not discriminate on the grounds of age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marriage, civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity, race (including colour and ethnic or national origins), religion or belief.

Joining Macquarie means you’ll be able to work in a way that suits you best. With the right technology, support and resources, our people can work in a range of flexible ways. Talk to us about what working arrangements would help you thrive.

Job no:MAM-965658
Work type:Permanent - Full time
Category:Mid-senior, Asset Management
Group: Macquarie Asset Management
Division: Client Solutions Group
Recruiter: Ravi Dass
Opening Date:02/5/2023

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Associate Director - Asset Management Relationship Manager, Paris
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