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Contenu de l'offre Sales Engineer (H/F) chez Mapwize

Dès maintenant

Product owner/Innovation


To be discussed



Descriptif du poste

As a Sales Engineer, you are a technical Mapwize expert towards our clients and future clients. You provide UX and technical advises to help developers around the world integrating Mapwize Indoor Maps in their apps in the best possible way!

This position is great for a developer willing to have lots of client contacts and work on all kind of topics and multiple technologies.

Being a Sales Engineer requires flexibility above all. On any given day, you speak with customers, build out proofs of concept that show just what Mapwize can do, and even add new features to the product itself. The tasks are varied and no two days are alike. You priorities are determined by a single question: will this help our customers be more successful?

The role will be located at Euratechnologies in Lille.


Supporting the Sales team with technical knowledge about Mapwize Educating prospects and customers to use the best of Mapwize Following our most important customers, helping them to continuously improve their usage of Mapwize and collect feature requests Answering any technical question from our clients with the help of the development team Create resources (blog posts, tutorials and more) to make Mapwize more accessible to the world.

Profil recherché


Experience as a full-stack developer with a strong focus on the Front-end Broad general knowledge about API, JS, iOS, Android and SaaS. Great oral and written communication in French and English Strong desire to help people, problem-solving skills, and attention to detail


Mapwize is a Software Editor founded in 2014, leader in the development of indoor mapping solutions. Our mission is to disrupt the Smart Building industry by providing a breakthrough SaaS platform. We believe indoor mapping is the corner stone to provide new digital services inside buildings, whether it be for visitors, workers, maintainers or security officers. We have more than 700 customers worldwide including very large corporations. Our solutions are used in Shopping Malls, University campuses, Hospitals, Office Buildings, Factories, Cruise Ships and many more. We are looking for talents to join the team and be part of the Smart Building revolution.

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Sales Engineer (H/F)
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