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Business development manager - french / english speaking F/H

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Contenu de l'offre Business development manager - french / english speaking F/H chez NETMEDIA GROUP

Who are we?

We are the leading European media company in the IT B2B sector. We publish a portfolio of news websites dedicated to the IT professionals (Silicon,, ITespresso, ChannelBiz...) and we sell a wide range of marketing solutions targeting our audience. For more information, please check

<... GROUP is looking for an experienced leader with a strong business understanding and entrepreneurial attitude to drive International Sales in France. As a proven result-driven person, the Business Development Manager will be leading an international digital growth plan for France. The ideal candidate will have extensive knowledge of all digital media solutions and holds high level relationships with companies and top-tier brands and has first international experience.

The key responsibilities of the Business Development Manager role will include:
Identify new opportunities to leverage business and relationships to ensure international market coverage and development in France. Achieve revenue growth and market share through new business generation via business development calls and client meetings Provide sales presentations for clients, understand a prospect’s business needs and develop a tailored digital marketing proposal. Work collaboratively with cross functional teams to drive revenue growth with new and existing clients. Provide regular updates to the management on pipeline and partnerships on SalesForce Be accountable for achieving challenging personal revenue targets and KPIs Entrepreneur, self-starter, able to work independently Excellent customer service skills and ability to resolve queries efficiently, effectively and courteously. Develop a deep understanding of market dynamics, our competitive position and add valuable insight to customers Manage short and long term sales cycles through to completion
The essential skills of the Business Development Manager role will include:
Fluent in French and English Minimum 3 years’ experience in B2B advertising sales

Seniority Level:

Mid-Senior level

Cpf final 4

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Business development manager - french / english speaking F/H
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