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UK Sales Operative - based in Paris - free lance

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Contenu de l'offre UK Sales Operative - based in Paris - free lance chez PARRESIA

20 000 € par anTemps partiel, Commission

UK market – based in Paris - B2B advertising operative - print and web

Objectives: develop the Parresia audio business and make the company’s magazines and other audio services essential references for the professional audio press in the UK market. UK native a plus.

Main missions:

Develop sales within the audio advertising division by marketing advertising space and designing special communication operations.Ensure the animation, management, monitoring, development and loyalty of a portfolio of advertisers in compliance with editorial and technical constraints. Manage the follow-up and operational technical aspect of the advertising sold as well as any other programmed operation (editorial ...)Ensure internal coordination between advertisers, editorial teams, communication agencies, manufacturing and accounting in close collaboration with the service manager.Be mobile and ensure a presence on the ground (at clients, on events, etc.)

Skills and qualities required:

Master the Office packAutonomy, rigor, organization, initiative, home office abilitiesKnow how to listen, synthesize and negotiate - how to transform customer needs into products / services to offerExcellent interpersonal skills, adaptability and conviction: Knowing how to enter and maintain a long-term business relationship with high level contactsBeing committed to reaching and exceeding set goalsCarry out the following commercial operations:

o write and send commercial emails

o contact prospects

o present the audio papers of Parresia

o send the media kits of the papers

o send the summary of papers

o send the details of the files / articles to appear to advertisers

o send commercial proposals

o offer loopback offers

o use press releases

o regularly update the contact database

o conduct telephone or physical interviews with prospects

Job Types: Part-time, Commission

Salary: 20,000.00€ /year

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UK Sales Operative - based in Paris - free lance
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