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Sales Manager, Emerging Verticals, France

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Contenu de l'offre Sales Manager, Emerging Verticals, France chez Pinterest

Pinterest is on a high growth trajectory in France. We are looking for an experienced Sales Manager to join the team and help us scale the organization and the business. As part of the Sales team, you’ll be managing a set of emerging verticals, growing the team and developing existing and new partners towards strategic partnerships, by leveraging your C-level contacts and experience.

What you’ll do:

Drive and grow revenue with top existing and potential partners Lead and develop a high-performing sales team and culture Partner with the world’s top marketers to build strategic partnerships Build and maintain strong direct relationships with partners’ executive and operational teams Be an internal advocate for partners by working with product and engineering teams to respond to partner needs and feedback Manage a team of experienced Partner Managers Be a core contributor to the long term strategy in FR

What we’re looking for:

15+ years experience in Advertising, Digital, and/or Media Sales and established industry relationships and experience working with executive level business and marketing leaders within partner organisations in France Proven track record of managing a world-class sales team, and of achieving or exceeding revenue goals Deep understanding of the advertising industry in FR Ability to work effectively cross-functionally, incl. to interface with product and engineering to synthesize customer needs and feedback Strong team player and ability to succeed in a fast-paced, rapidly changing environment


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Sales Manager, Emerging Verticals, France
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