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Account Manager - Capsule, Paris, France

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Contenu de l'offre Account Manager - Capsule, Paris, France chez Qualcomm

Location France - Paris
Job Overview CREATIVE: Develop unique ways to grow the business with your accounts (International leaders in IT, Medical Device Providers, Consulting Groups, Analytics and Master Integrators) and provide solutions to management in the face of challenges BUSINESS PLANNING: Search for opportunity at your accounts and build a plan to convince them to win with Capsule/QCL GLOBAL COMMUNICATION: Have a clear and concise internal and external communication (within Capsule/QCL, with our regional sales and partners in the field) STRONG RELATIONSHIP: Managing the relationship. As KAM the links that you build and the actions you take will determine our success today and in the future. Treat your accounts as partners and challenge them to grow their business with us FACT BASED SELLING: Facts are the most powerful selling tool and you must be able to arrange these facts in a way that builds customers excitement and closes the sale. You must also be analytical and go beyond the numbers to find the real insight that will be the key to growing our brands with your accounts BUDGET CONTROLS: responsibility to ensure that every penny spent delivers a solid return on investment and is spent in a way to build the long term sustainability of Capsule/QCL COORDINATING INTERNAL RESSOURCES (sales, pre-sales, marketing, services, partnerships) to strengthen the adoption of the companys solutions IN DEPTH PRODUCT/BRAND KNOWLEDGE: Capsule/QCLs brands should be at the heart of everything that you do as a KAM. They are your companys biggest asset. You should have an intimate knowledge of our brands, our values, positioning, target consumers and personality. On the other hand, the products are the lifeblood of our brands. Know them, touch them, use them ALIGNING PRODUCTS WITH PARTNERS (in particular Medical Device vendors and Healthcare IT partners) work closely with product managers and support organizations to ensure that we can successfully connect and integrate our solutions in each region. Identify any deviations from standard product design that would be necessary to satisfy any unique requirements MARKET ANALYSIS analyze the TAM & SAM for each geographic segment to ensure we have clear corporate alignment on the priority of which countries we segment and why. Compile a clear competitive analysis for each product offering to ensure that we can successfully market / sell our products. Pricing analysis to ensure products that are brought to market are priced to remain competitive with competing solutions while retaining margin.
Minimum Qualifications 5+ years of experience in healthcare IT
5+ years of experience in Key Account Management role or Partner Management role
Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to characterize key market problems
Strong organizational and communication skills are critical skills in working effectively in a team environment.
The ability to correlate different opinions and input from a variety of sources and make informed technical decisions.
Strong ability to work independently
This position requires travel to prospect, customer and healthcare IT partner sites globally (up to 50% of your time)
Located in Paris France preferred
Preferred Qualifications 7 years of experience in healthcare IT 7 years of experience in Key Account Management role or Partner Management role
Education Requirements Master degree in business or bio medical engineer
Cpf final 4

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Account Manager - Capsule, Paris, France
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