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Account Manager - Banking & Finance, France

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Contenu de l'offre Account Manager - Banking & Finance, France chez Radware

Account Manager - Banking & Finance, France - (2100005V)

Account Manager - Banking & Finance, France

Radware is a global leader of Application delivery and Cyber Security Solutions. We provide innovative technology and Cloud Services to guarantee the continuity and security of the online digital experience.

We are offering a fabulous opportunity to join an extremely dynamic business environment selling high-value, premium security solutions to the top accounts in the French market.

Over the past 2 years Radware has become the leading provider of Anti-DDOS solutions to the French Banking sector with three out of the top four banking groups using our products and cloud services. We are registering a continuous strong demand both in terms of expansion within existing large accounts and new logos in the Bank & Insurance vertical.

For this reason, we are seeking to reinforce our team with an additional Account Manager to meet the demands of the Finance vertical.

The successful candidate must have:

At least 5 years of experience in a sales role in IT, ideally addressing the top 100 French accounts. Background with either a software/hardware vendor or an integrator/reseller. A hunter mentality able to push the door and start new sales conversations Basic knowledge of Networking and IT concepts Fluency in Both English & French

The position is office-based in the Paris Area (Courbevoie)

.The position is office-based in the Paris Area (Courbevoie)

#LI-PJ1 Primary Location: FR-FR-Courbevoie Work Locations: Radware France, Courbevoie 84/88 Boulevard de la Mission Marchand Courbevoie 92400 Job: Sales
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Account Manager - Banking & Finance, France
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