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Sales Engineer (PreSales), Southern Europe

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Contenu de l'offre Sales Engineer (PreSales), Southern Europe chez Recorded Future

Paris (75) This Role: You'll work with our sales team and deployment engineers in presales situations to solve challenging problems and design joint solutions with our Customers. You'll lead complex pilots and assist with deployment of our solutions to ensure success. You should have a combination of engineering skills, an analytic mindset and business savvy with an understanding of partnerships. A strong candidate will have some information security experience or a strong interest to learn.

Meet with prospective customers, understand requirements, field technical questions, and demonstrate capabilities Plan and manage product proof of concept efforts Develop sample use-cases and analytic demos Address critical analytical, technical, and operational issues Drive user adoption across a variety of use cases Qualifications:
We want to see your work, interesting projects you have completed, your analysis experience, and your technical skills Demonstrated success in pre-sales role preferred, but not required BA/BS (MA/MS preferred) or equivalent experience Technical skills: Coding experience preferred (i.e. Python), JSON familiarity a plus Experience in an analytical role (intelligence, military, cyber, business operations, etc.) Ability to collaborate and communicate with technical and non-technical personnel from deep geeks to top execs Cyber security or threat intelligence experience is a plus Bonus: Ability to maintain a security clearance Willingness to travel at least 20% Fluency in Spanish Why should you join Recorded Future?
There's a reason why over 90% of Fortune 100 Companies rely on us for their threat intelligence needs: our patented web intelligence engine has the ability to unlock insights that radically improve cyber threat visibility for our clients. Our dedication to empowering clients with intelligence to reduce risk has earned us a 4.7-star user rating from Gartner.

If you're full of passion, ambition, and dedication you may be well on your way to becoming a Futurist. From over 35 nationalities, our Futurists are the perfect recipe of humility, accountability, and collaborative attitudes to put our team at the front line of securing the internet. If you want to be a part of this awesome team, apply today!

Want more info? Check out the links below for more from the Recorded Future team, special guests, and our partners.
Blog & Podcast ( ): Learn everything you want to know (and maybe some things you'd rather not know) about the world of cyber threat intelligence
Instagram ( ) &Twitter ( ): What's happening at Recorded Future
Timeline ( ): History of Recorded Future

Recorded Future will not discharge, discipline or in any other manner discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because such employee or applicant has inquired about, discussed, or disclosed the compensation of the employee or applicant or another employee or applicant.
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Sales Engineer (PreSales), Southern Europe
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