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Solution Sales Specialist, Automation

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Contenu de l'offre Solution Sales Specialist, Automation chez Red Hat

Solution Sales Specialist, Automation

About the job

The Red Hat Sales team is looking for a Solutions Sales Specialist to join us in  France. In this role, you will focus on and manage the proposal of Red Hat's automation management solutions for enterprise customers across the region. You’ll need to have an excellent combination of sales skills and customer orientation as well as a deep knowledge of automation proposals with emerging technologies. Your understanding of the market's dynamics and needs will help you uncover new business opportunities. 

This is an office based or remote position in France, with frequent travels to customer sites.

What you will do
Work with extended account teams including key account managers, solutions architects, and professional services to identify and lead the opportunities in existing key accounts and new logo in the different markets
Contribute to the creation of account plans; carry out and lead strategic plans
Prepare and participate in direct customer sales meetings
Help progress and close deals; provide support along the sales cycles through best practices, reference selling, and experimental sales plays
Serve as a trusted advisor; develop strategic relationships within key accounts to expand and improve the existing portfolio
Develop, deliver, and improve skills to orient technical sellers to connect solutions with business demands and strategy
Gain the trust of senior IT and business executives within key accounts and create long-term partnerships with customers
Engage with the Marketing, Product Management, Engineering, Professional Services, and Product Support teams to ensure excellent customer experience
What you will bring

Solutions sales mentality with sense of ownership and commitment in an environment with multiple offerings and services
Experience working in a solutions sales role with a focus on modern hybrid cloud technology and main DevOps process
Knowledge of the main industrial sectors, including the major dynamics of that market, including main initiatives, needs, competitive pressures, etc.
Excellent product and technical understanding; ability to understand customer business challenges and technology requirements
Ability to communicate messages to customers around a broad portfolio of solutions that meet their business objectives
Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both English and French; experience presenting to C-level executives at large companies
Ability to work with global, cross-functional teams to achieve success on behalf of customers
Excellent balance of strategic and tactical approach


Job Summary

Job IDWorkday ID: 97515R-028912
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