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Outbound Sales Development Rep

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Contenu de l'offre Outbound Sales Development Rep chez Sprinklr

Sprinklr is 1,500 employees strong, valued at $1.8 billion, and positioned at the forefront of the customer experience management industry. At a time when consumers are connected and empowered like never before, Sprinklr is helping the world’s largest brands provide amazing experiences at every turn.

Sprinklr offers a set of powerful social capabilities that allow our clients to reach, engage, and listen to customers across 24 social channels. We empower entire organizations to work together – across marketing, advertising, research, commerce, and customer care – to manage customer experience at scale.

Sprinklr works with more than 1,000 of the most recognized brands around the world, including Nike, JPMorgan Chase, Verizon, McDonald’s, Microsoft, P&G, and more than 50% of the Fortune 50.

In this role, you will be responsible for creating interest and developing conversations with specific contacts within an assigned region. Beyond that, you will be instrumental in the ongoing transformation of inside sales to something that is personal, value-filled, and representative of social disruption. Candidates must be bi-lingual and fluent in both French and English.

Duties include but are not limited to:
Sending personal, strategic, value-add emails, calls and social messages (no copying and pasting)
Quickly researching and strategizing an approach to create interest
Securing meetings for your Outside Sales Reps
Profiling potential prospects via a predetermined criteria
Recording all activities in

Fluent in both French and English
Four-year college degree (preferably in Marketing, Humanities, Communications or Business)
Fluent in French
A desire to be in a software sales (full cycle) position as a career progression
Verifiable track record of success and goal attainment in a sales oriented role
A passion for technology, in particular disruptive technology
A deep understanding of the role social media plays in business
1-2 years in a SDR/BDR role (Enterprise experience preferred)
Run through a brick wall level of drive, passion, and desire for results
Intellectually curious/worldly
A hard working team player that is never satisfied in achieving the status quo and hates to lose

Sprinklr has spent the last eight years building software for an “un-enterprise” world, and we’re bringing the very best talent together to take us to the next level.
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Outbound Sales Development Rep
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